Blog Post

Can Your Company Take Advantage Of Stripe?

  • By Adrian Pante
  • 29 Aug, 2018

It’s the start of a new year, you have probably enjoyed a few weeks off and your looking forward to getting stuck into the next 12 months of your professional life. If your a business owner, maybe it’s time you take flight, and soar way up high above the clouds, then look down on your operations before you jump straight back into the daily grind.

I do this every year in January, normally while people are away on holidays so I can come into the office where it’s extremely quiet and focus on ways to make my company more efficient. On the rare occasion where I figure things out and implement something extremely successful, I like to share it with my clients so they might be able to relate it to their business.

The big one for our company this year is forming a solid reoccurring revenue stream by offering services on a monthly billing cycle. Not only does this build a very good foundation for your cash flow through out the year, but it also provides the client or customer the maximum amount of value for the service they are buying. If you have a service type business that offers support and maintenance for a particular product then this type of set up is essential for you. More often then not, you end up resenting your client if you don’t have a reoccurring maitenance plan in place, it seams ridiculous to charge people for a 10 min job all the time so I’m guessing you just let them all ride? Its just not sustainable.

We were able to implement a payment gateway using Stripe, you can see it in action by visiting or . We built it into a wordpress back end which allows our clients to purchase their products on a monthly reoccurring billing cycle. It provides all my clients with their own personal login to our In10tion website where they can access their details, upgrade or downgrade their monthly packages and even communicate directly with us via online chat.

If you think this is something that you company might like to implement, then feel free to make contact with us by sending us an enquiry. We can explain how we can visually represent your monthly packages on your website, and then explain how your customers would purchase them via the Stripe payment gateway.

By Adrian Pante August 29, 2018
Have your emails gone down recently? Are you having strange email issues that your IT guys can’t get to the bottom of? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then my first guess would be that your emails are hosted with a Cpanel and are apart of your website hosting plan. Good Guess? You see, the main reason why these email set ups have constant issues is that the Cpanel that hosts them is often sitting on a multi level shared server which could have thousands of other websites and company emails sitting on them also. Its often a disaster waiting to happen.
By Adrian Pante August 29, 2018
Is your website mobile friendly? if you don’t really know, then visit this link Google Mobile Friendly and type your website into the search field.
By Adrian Pante August 29, 2018
Just like any software, websites require maintenance to keeping the site working properly. Avoiding website maintenance is like not having regular oil changes on your vehicle. You wouldn’t drive your car very long if you didn’t look after its maintenance, would you? Well, the same process is true for your website. Your website should always be live, ready for customers and presenting your business at its finest.
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