Is your website mobile friendly? if you don’t really know, then visit this link Google Mobile Friendly and type your website into the search field.
So how were your results? hopefully you got green lights, but if you got red alerts to indicate that your website is not mobile friendly then it is probably time you get something done about it because it could be costing you vital google search engine ranking places. Google has recently moved the goal posts regarding their google ranking results, they have outlined the fact that if your website doesn’t have mobile optimisation then it will fall below other websites that do.
Not only does it encourage greater google rankings, but mobile optimisation also allows the end user to have a better mobile experience whilst they browse your website on either their mobile phones or tables. As a client of In10tion Creative Digital Agency, your website will not only get a mobile responsive version for the vertical mobile displays, but we will also build and create unique horizontal versions just incase the end user flips the device around when browsing your website.
Mobile optimisation is something that In10tion Creative Digital Agency insists our clients invest in, so feel free to contact us to get a quote so you can start encouraging better end user experiences and greater google search engine results.
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